120 N. Military,
Dearborn, MI 48124
Sunday Worship 8am and 10am -
in-person worship and YouTube.
We feed people in mind, body, and spirit through prayer, music, and opportunities to learn about the diversity in our Dearborn community. We believe that we are called by God to dismantle systemic oppression, and that work begins with each person individually. We believe that our diversity reveals the expansive nature of God's self. This revelation calls us to acts of justice informed by our faith in the teachings of Jesus. We aim to live this out in all of our relationships, but especially through the Partnership in Faith with Christ Church and Mother of the Savior, between English speaking and Arabic speaking Christian congregations and our investment in building bridges with our Muslim sisters and brothers.

Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- Mary Oliver, poet
People at Christ Church are drawn together by a common desire to live a deeply faithful life, informed by the life of Jesus, shaped by praying together, and motivated to make a difference in the world. We come from all walks of life, white, Black, Arabic, and African. Some of us lean toward the political right while others lean toward left, and few of us are far left. But we come together over our common understanding of Jesus's call to love self, love others, and love God. We believe that all people are beloved of God and therefore we strive to bring forth equality in the world through acts of justice.
For us, justice is orthodox theology.
This means we pray for and work for equality for LGBTQ people, people of color, and women, for economic justice aiming to make an impact on food scarcity concerns in Dearborn, and we take seriously the impact we make on the environment and have put in place a number of initiatives to be better stewards of God's body, the earth.
Deepening our spiritual lives is a goal of ours. We aim to do this in a number of ways. Perhaps you are looking for a small group with whom to explore questions of life and faith? We have home groups that meet, using dynamic video clips from the Via Media material, an Episcopal source that explores how the Episcopal Church rests theologically in the middle between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Other small group gatherings include centering prayer (meets Tuesday nights at 6pm in the lower level room 19); the "Listening Group" which meets about once a month on Monday nights, September - May, to explore genre's of music; the Bible study group which meets on Tuesday mornings at 11:30 to reflect on the stories and people in the Bible; plus other groups that meet from time to time.
A fundamental way we deepen our faith is in worship on Sunday morning. Whether one prefers the quieter service at 8am in the Chapel or the more lively service at 10am in the Chapel, worship is the time we gather to pray, to think about our relationship with God, with ourselves, and with the world, consider our own brokenness and how we can work toward healing ourselves and then making an impact on bringing greater healing into the world. We are intentional about physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
If you have any questions about faith, spirituality, wholeness, justice, prayer, or how the community at Christ Church might be a healing, hopeful place for you, please contact the priest, Terri Pilarski: terri@christchurchdearborn.org.