120 N. Military,
Dearborn, MI 48124
Sunday Worship 8am and 10am -
in-person worship and YouTube.
We feed people in mind, body, and spirit through prayer, music, and opportunities to learn about the diversity in our Dearborn community. We believe that we are called by God to dismantle systemic oppression, and that work begins with each person individually. We believe that our diversity reveals the expansive nature of God's self. This revelation calls us to acts of justice informed by our faith in the teachings of Jesus. We aim to live this out in all of our relationships, but especially through the Partnership in Faith with Christ Church and Mother of the Savior, between English speaking and Arabic speaking Christian congregations and our investment in building bridges with our Muslim sisters and brothers.

Caring for the environment and attending to our impact on the environment is a primary goal of Christ Church. Our community garden is watered, in large part, by a water reclamation project that we built using gravity to draw water off of the roof and running it through pipes to fill these tanks. Drip lines pull the water into the garden, watering crops at an efficient rate.
Other ways we aim to be good stewards of creation is our vibrant recycling program, including styrofoam. Bins for paper, plastic, glass, and styrofoam are located just inside the doors, and up the stairs, at the Chapel entrance. These bins are open for use by the public.
As a community many of us strive to reduce our use of plastic and chemicals. We try to use only fair trade coffee for our social and church events, making a conscious effort to contribute to economic justice in the world in ways that we are able. We recognize that our impact may be small, however we believe that every effort makes a difference.